How am I supposed to breathe with no air?

Having a toddler is one of the most difficult jobs I've undertaken to date. It is very time and energy consuming. Today was one of those days where I felt completely drained and overtaken by a three-foot tall terrorist.

Today Chloe was extra needy, extra clingy, extra whiney and extra getting on my last nerve. Today she barely took a nap so I didn't get much time to myself in the afternoon. All I was able to do was eat some lunch. I tried to entertain her by taking her to the park and try to get out some extra energy, but I think it was counterproductive because she apparently became overly tired when we got home. From 5:45pm to about 9:30pm, she was all whines and cries, for no apparent reason at all. Well, I do know why. She was tired and didn't know how to relax and wind down. She barely napped and just couldn't find a way to keep calm.

I tried to give her dinner first so she could be well fed and then I would eat when her father got home. She ate a small amount but stopped when she saw her father walk through the door. I didn't think anything of it. I knew she would probably eat a little later. I served myself and my husband dinner and it was a show from there. Crying and wanting to climb on top of me while I was eating. Normally I don't mind holding her but I absolutely HATE being bothered when I am eating. Its like a sacred time for me. Hence the reason why she is fed first then me. I would rather wait hours then attempt to eat at the same time as my toddler. But no, I couldn't enjoy my meal and my husband wasn't in the best mood either because she was adding stress to him when he came home already stressed from work. He wasn't able to wind down either. He was a trooper though and took her to the room to lay down and watch cartoons. My reprieve didn't last long because she wanted me to lay down with her as well.

I tried to put her down for the night around 9:30pm. She gave me a really hard time. Periodically waking up every 30mins. Just when I was getting comfortable I had to go back into the room to soothe her and put her back to sleep.

I just feel like a fish out of water. I'm tense because I'm waiting for the next cry from the banshee. No time for me, no time to relax, even when she's supposed to be sleeping. By the time I finally get some down time...I'll be too tired to even stay up myself. Ugh.

Today was just a difficult day. Tomorrow will be better....I hope.

Has your child driven you up the wall? Made you feel like pulling your hair out?


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