The "Big Bed"
I put Chloe to bed last night a little before 10pm for the night. She went down with no problems. I told her a quick bed time story, sang twinkle twinkle little star, said "I Love you" and closed the door behind me. My husband and I stayed up late so we can do whatever we didn't get to do while she was awake and spend some time together talking and watching TV. Around 2am, we were getting ready to get to bed when we heard Chloe wake up with a cry. We turned off everything and went in to the room to soothe her and get ourselves to sleep as well. Upon entry into the room, a little someone was sitting up in her bed, wide eyed and bushy tailed. "Oh no," I thought to myself. I was tired and really didn't want to have to stay up any longer to get her sleepy again. I picked her up to soothe her. She had awoken from a nightmare. She said she dreamt with monsters and wanted to sleep in the "big bed". I put her between my husband and I. Selfishly I gues...