How am I supposed to breathe with no air?
Having a toddler is one of the most difficult jobs I've undertaken to date. It is very time and energy consuming. Today was one of those days where I felt completely drained and overtaken by a three-foot tall terrorist. Today Chloe was extra needy, extra clingy, extra whiney and extra getting on my last nerve. Today she barely took a nap so I didn't get much time to myself in the afternoon. All I was able to do was eat some lunch. I tried to entertain her by taking her to the park and try to get out some extra energy, but I think it was counterproductive because she apparently became overly tired when we got home. From 5:45pm to about 9:30pm, she was all whines and cries, for no apparent reason at all. Well, I do know why. She was tired and didn't know how to relax and wind down. She barely napped and just couldn't find a way to keep calm. I tried to give her dinner first so she could be well fed and then I would eat when her father got home. She ate a small amo...